Emotional Health with Organization 


Happy day.  My beloved Manoula- (mother) used to say to me at the end of every conversation; Happy day.   

Aren't mothers the best?! 

This blog is especially dedicated to mothers, but really written for all people dwelling in a space that collects things.  

Did you know that things, if you have too many of them in one space, cluttered all over the place, can disrupt your mental and physical well-being? 

The visual distraction of clutter increases cognitive overload and could quite possibly reduce your working memory.   

Our brains like order, and constant visual reminders of disorganization drain our brain resources.    

Personally, clutter, stuff everywhere, makes me stressed and overwhelmed slowing down the thing I’m trying to accomplish.   

If I enter my office and papers are all over my desk, products on the floor, my whiteboard brimming with info in the midst of plants, pictures and Chach keys covering all surfaces, I want to scream, cry and leave the country. I say this with a dose of humor.    

Research from Sage Journals reports that the way a person describes their home may reflect whether their time at home feels restorative or stressful.  My office description demonstrates the clutter- emotional connection. 

Being a mother of four, with a husband and my family’s stuff piling up in every corner, at times I feel stifled.   

This year, I especially felt the “crazy” after the Holiday season when the gifts, personal items and old things were overtaking my home.  It was time to make way for the new year and all possibilities that accompany a fresh start. 

I decided to seek help to clear and calm my mind.  I sought out the organizational professionals GAB IT OUT to help me gain my sanity.     

Recently, the Gab it Out Ladies came to my home to help me organize my office, kitchen and the lower level, finished basement.   This was a draining yet liberating job.    

What was draining about my organization?  The emotional attachment to the things sitting around my space.    

Linda, the lead organizer, was kind and she assured me that her team would not dispose of anything that was special.   

I worked directly with the team, sorting, deciding and appropriating. 

Linda, began with certain questions:   

  1. When is the last time you used or looked at this thing? 

  2. Can we toss, file or put it away in a memory box? 

  3. Does this thing bring you joy or stress?  

Next, we got to work:   

  1. Pull everything out and sort the things  

  2. Make piles and pare down multiple things 

  3. Things to be kept got a designated place to live 

  4. No overflow of stuff organized in the containers      

  5. Take the leftovers and recycle or throw out 

  6. New clothes or shoes purchased must follow a rule before being added to closet. Bring one in, take one out. 

  7. If you have not used or seen the thing in over a year, dispose of it 

  8. Memories like cards, awards and all sentimental keepsakes should be stored in a labeled memory box. 

  9. Day-to-day work space should only have things to be used daily. Monthly or annual items designated for another location. 

  10. Manage and maintain space weekly. 

Years ago, when I hosted The Kiki Vale Show on the radio, I interviewed this dynamite woman who called herself The Fly Lady.  During our chat, she said to me, “Your clutter is not just physical—it's emotional." Letting go of clutter also frees your mind and spirit. "You can't clean chaos; you have to declutter first." Clear the space, then work on making it shine. "Don't let yesterday's mistakes steal today's joy." Each day is a fresh start—use it wisely. 

She also said, “The point of cleaning and organizing isn’t to have a pristine house, it’s to have a functioning house.”  

Finally, “Clutter= Collected Litter, Ultimately Taking Time and Energy to Retain” Fly Lady 

My friends, calm your mind and make space for what matters in life when you decide what to keep rather than deciding what to throw away.    

Wishing you liberation as you organize your way to a peaceful mind, an energized spirit and HAPPY DAY!  

Ola Kala, 




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