Travel Tips & Tricks

Traveling is almost like talking with those of other centuries.  The ancients, those before us, hold many wisdoms, and being on their land and the place of a new culture is invigorating to the mind, the body and the soul.  Ola Kala- All is Well.   

We know that travel can be a trek to new and undiscovered territories or it can also be it can be a passage to your roots.  

Soon I will journey to a place which is part of my ethos and DNA, a place familiar to me in every way.  I will go home so to speak, home to my parent’s childhood, home that is the lifestyle for a beautiful life, embodying a culture that spans millenniums.   

I will go to Greece. 

Greece, the pan ultimate Homeric experience, one which sets the stage for seeking knowledge, wisdom and plenty of adventure is my panacea. 

Have you been?  No worries, I will take you with me in spirit, photos and blog.   

However, you also may be going somewhere cool this summer.  Whatever your JOIE DE VIVRE for adventure is......make certain to have your plans and packing organized so that you can carpe every diem.  

Let's get down to business. 

Create an organized travel plan. Support your Kefi voyage so that it will be full of memorable experiences instead of one of confusion due to lack of preparation.  

If your basic necessities are intact, you will look the part to seize moments without hassle. Remember, your polished appearance will help you feel confident and current.  

Basic necessity numero uno:  Pack efficiently and thoughtfully.   

My koumbara and dear friend Sara works in the fashion Industry – she is skilled at organization and understands efficiency. She taught me that packing must be simple, categorized and minimal.    Oh God help me with this one...I want to take my entire closet.  

Fear not, Sara has my back and thus I have your back. 

Here is the packing strategy that will liberate your mind (and mine) and allow us to go and see the world fuss free. 


  • Clothes – pack in sets.  In other words, pack outfits.  Each outfit should have the top, bottom, shoes and undergarments.  Consider neutral colors which you can easily mix and match. Tan, white, black navy etc. Monochrome or neutral color palettes add sophistication to casual outfits.   Create the number of outfits   according to the number of days you are traveling. 

  • Pack two gorgeous evening outfits- these can be repeated easily. If the trip is longer pack 3 or 4 gorgeous or polished outfits.  

  • Shoes - you will need one pair of walking shoes and an additional dress shoe to pair with your neutral-colored outfits.  

  • Packing cubes or giant ziploc bags to stay organized with outfits, undergarments, socks, workout gear etc.  

  • Hanging toiletries bag (which may be small) to keep stuff organized, and off tight spaced counters.  

  • Compression socks to keep blood flow moving in legs during long flights 

  • Water bottle with filter.  If you fill your bottle with water from a sink the filter will remove toxins.  Traveling dehydrates you and the best thing you can consistently do is to drink plenty of water through-out your travels. Dehydration causes fatigue, hunger cues and cramping. HYDRATE. 

  • Proper adapters & chargers  

  • Cool shades 

  • Itinerary, travel plans and emergency numbers all documented in a place. 

  • Neck wallet for your personal ID, passport, phone, money and travel day paperwork. 

  • Check currencies and plan your budget.  Keep your money in your neck wallet and carryon.  

Your preparation before the trip begins, will allow your plans to carry out, and it will be easy to partake in a spontaneous activity because the necessities are at your fingertips.  

Friends in Kefi, let’s pack our bags now because as Hans Christian Anderson said: 

“To Travel Is to Live.”  

See you on the other side of the pond where I’ll be living in the moment every day.  

In the meantime, looking forward to sending you photos, hugs and filakia - kisses from my epic Odyssey in Greece.  

Bon voyage. 

Ola Kala - Kiki


Excellence Through Consistency


Movement is Medicine