Do What You Love (For The Health Of It!)
Human beings are created to be purposeful. When we build on our purpose, it’s as if we are not actually working, but instead we are doing something we love.
As a person who subscribes to the philosophy, do what you love and you will never work a day in your life, I believe it is possible to turn your passion into your profession.
Passion into profession- how? Ask yourself the following:
What activities make time fly for me?
What topics do I naturally gravitate toward?
What kind of work would I do for free, just because I love it?
What skills or talents do people compliment me on?
When someone tells me that they dread going to work, I ask “why do you stay in a place that you dread?”
You can change, move, redirect and work in an environment that supports your interests and life philosophy. Start to listen to your inner voice about the work you are doing and reflect on whether or not it satisfies not only your wallet, but your wellbeing.
“The great philosopher Seneca said, “We owe it to ourselves to live a full and rich life with experiences, love, and joy”
Hence, you must work at something you enjoy or find a trade that fulfills you.
Daily exposure to work which depletes your energy and deflates your mindset is a waste of time.
Time goes by whether you like it or not. Spend your time wisely, like an investment with your savings in the bank.
Time and money, when utilized properly yield freedom. The more you save; the more time you have to fully enjoy life as you age.
Invest in a life of longevity.
Create a clear goal, which will motivate you to do something meaningful to you, propelling you to live more harmoniously and with less stress.
Less stress equates to less inflammation, more health and abundant joy.
Support your wellbeing vs weakening it by doing what is taxing to you:
When you stay in a place that zaps your energy before you enter the door of your work, your body is in a state of stress. This stage of stress triggers the release of cortisol, the stress hormone.
Cortisol is helpful in quick bursts, but not in a chronic state.
The following could happen in a chronic state:
A Weakened immune system, making you more susceptible to colds, infections, and diseases.
Increased inflammation in the body, which link to conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders.
Slower healing and recovery from illness
Work that exhausts your energy and diminishes your spirit is not just a job—it’s a slow erosion of your potential.
Does this information whet your palate to “Do what you love, chase your dreams and make them come true!”
Look for work that in some way aligns with your passion your purpose and your interests.
Let me introduce you to Matthew, best-selling author, speaker and entrepreneur. Matthew Kelly believes a person should follow their dreams and make them come true. His book, The Dream Manager, is dedicated to helping be purposeful and productive doing what they are good at with a combination of 12 categories in balance.
The categories: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, psychological, material, professional, financial, creative, adventure, legacy and character.
Feeding the categories with what you love to do breeds an exciting life force to be seized. More productivity combined with well span.
Do what you love and love what you do!
It’s never too late to be who you were born to be. No age limits. Only requirement is that you find something that makes you want to wake up every day and go be a part of it.
Begin the journey of looking at your strengths, developing your skills for those strengths. Research how others reached the area of success in your desired profession.
Consider this Greek phrase, "η αρχή είναι το ήμισυ του παντός" "well begun is half the battle" - or "the beginning is the half of everything." This maxim attributed to Aristotle is saying that a good start is a significant part of achieving success.
Disclaimer, doing what you love takes effort and may not come fast. Be prepared to climb slow with perseverance. The key is to start now, time is ticking. Each day you engage in the activity of moving towards your purpose is a day which fuels your mind, body and spirit.
Seneca, the great philosopher defines actual living as being in control of yourself and enjoying yourself meaningfully and working towards goals that are important to you.
Wishing you Ola Kala- All is Well doing what you love with your unique purpose.
Sending you Filakia-Kisses