The Power Of Positive

Positive thoughts breed positive experiences and a positive life.

People all over the world seek positivity, and negative thoughts do not discriminate. No matter the color, size, age, or gender, the negative has a way of creeping in and taking over at times.

What to do?

Happy, positive, and joyful is my topic this week.

But first, if you like my content and encouragement, please follow me @kikivale for more inspiration on LinkedIn, instagram and twitter.

Have you ever heard these before….

“Our thoughts determine our lives?

“What you think is what you become,”  

or what about this aphorism,

 “If you can believe it, you can achieve it.

These mantras are my rules for life.  The way I stay honest with these is if I begin to think negative, I at once replace negative with either a positive thought or positive action.

I apply the R to the 3rd power. Remove/Replace Right now.

How: Deliberately voice a positive thought to cancel out the negative.

Feel free to apply.

Action moves you in a different direction. 

Earlier this morning, an example of unexpected action turned into positive thoughts thus creating new momentum that lasted me all day.

Sometimes you must get moving to cycle the thoughts to a new place.  

Speaking of a new place, other than my usual American place, I am in Athens, Greece for a few days. I am fortunate enough to be in the incredibly historic city on a beautiful, crisp, mesmerizing fall Sunday morning - the temperature will increase to 80 and the day is ahead of me.  I have been walking and walking trying to find my way, and I find myself in front of the oldest Metropolitan Greek Orthodox Churches in Athens.

Athens is becoming familiar once again because I am experiencing her via foot.  

Truly the most educational way to learn a city, culture, language, or anything for that matter, is through immersion. It is a positive action that at times can be uncomfortable, but on the other hand it is rewarding to learn all aspects of what you are trying to do.

Education is a positive thing to do for yourself and it can help you make more helpful decisions in life.


I stumbled upon this church Agia Irini - looking for another church.

A positive thing to do when you get lost is to keep going, and if necessary, start over again. 

Agia Irini, has a history which gives me chills. Once I entered the church, the time machine took me straight back to the 1800’s.

A burst of calm, and peace over came my emotions leading me to sit quietly and silence my thoughts.

This itself is a positive action, to silence your thoughts.

The aesthetics of this church are indelible.

The columns here are each standing as one giant piece of continuous marble from floor to ceiling.

The icons are mysterious. It seems like the people in them are communicating via eye contact.

The icons, or images written in the 18th century, lure one back to a time of pure humility.

Everyone in this sacred and special place holds the same wonderful positive feeling. I can feel it.

After a while, no one wants to leave, but we must.

We all walk out refreshed inspired, and yes feeling positive.

Indeed, moments, like the ones I just experienced on my journey will become memories one day, and these can sustain, inspire and give hope for the next moment.

There really is depth and significance to, “one minute at a time, one step at a time and one day at a time.”

This my friend is positively positive, to take life one day at a time, moment by moment.

Cherish your journey, start again if you must, and stay well mentally, physically, and emotionally for the ultimate Pan Metreon Ariston, All Things in Moderation expedition - LIFE.

Here is my Ola Kala -All is Well takeaway for this Kefi blog:

“Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.”

I did not coin this idea, one of the wisest Americans, William James, did.

Furthermore, he said, “As you think so you shall be.”

In this moment, flush out all old tired, worn out thoughts. Fill your mind with fresh new creative thoughts of faith, love and goodness. With this, you will remake your life.

As far as I’m concerned, It is time to get on my way, to a new place, Ithaca.

Ithaca, symbolizing the journey and focusing not so much on the destination.

Wishing you positive action steps on your personal journey.

Filakia Kisses



P.A.C.K. Your Fall


The Simple Life