The Simple Life

What is the simple life?    

Firstly, we begin with what it’s not.   

The simple life is not a life of more stress, constant busyness, rushing and distractions.  It is quite the contrary. 

The simple life focuses on common practices which involve less possessions to manage, de-cluttering with the change of each season, time for rest and reflection, nurturing relationships, living well with boundaries and slowing down. 

As a seasoned person, wife, mother, friend, entrepreneur and individual who seeks mind, body & spirit balance, I have decided that less technology, less things in my house, more quality time with family and friends, more deep sleep, more movement in nature and more time to chew, savor and enjoy eat my food are practices for a simpler life.  

The simple life is one which allows you to live a full, healthy, joyful life with people you love.  

The simple life feeds off of the grandeur of nature and the great outdoors, deep breathing, grounding & mindfulness.   

The simple life is homecooked meals.  

The simple life is bringing back the basics. 

The simple life is embracing the moment. 

The simple life is a piece of fresh fruit. 

The simple life is gazing at the sun setting over water. 

The simple life is getting in the water and creating ripples. 

The simple life is drinking fresh water.  

The simple life is meeting old friends in a new place. 

The simple life is a solo adventure to renew spirit.  

The simple life is gardening to live, to move, to fill spirit. 

The simple life is toasting to a life of health and happiness.   

The simple life is in your hands.....  

Wishing you ola kala- all is well. 

Filakia, Kisses 



The Power Of Positive


Night Time Routine: Tune Out & Tuck In