Three Things To Aid Weight Loss

Spring has sprung, and summer is lurking around the corner. For those of us who have been a tad lenient with our food intake, a few pounds may have crept up on us. Now is the time to shed the extra and unwanted weight so we can get our bodies beach ready and more importantly, keep ourselves healthy, happy and well.

Let’s face it, extra weight is added pressure on our knees and joints. Consider this fact:

“Experts estimate that for every 1 pound you weigh, your knees feel the force of 3 pounds of pressure when you take a step.”

If you’ve gained 10 pounds of weight this past winter, your knees are feeling like it’s 30 pounds.

Take small steps towards leaning out for the sake of your knees, joints and back.

Here are 3 quick and easy things you can implement every day:

1- drink 64 ounces of water

2- eat one cucumber

3- drink a cup of green tea in the afternoon or evening after dinner.

These three things are a great beginning to satiating and detoxing your body effortlessly. favorite Teas are made by Buddha…so smooth and unassuming.

Ola Kala,



A Health Hack to Help you Focus!
