Weight Loss Lessons Learned
I’ve been losing and gaining weight all my life. The scale can be my worst enemy or at times it’s my best friend. I have been on every weight loss program known to man, woman and child, well maybe not all, but many. And, I have participated in numerous fitness programs.
Here are the weight loss programs I have done, sometimes one and two times.
Nutri System
Weight Watchers- first time at 16 years of age
The Atkins diet
The Eggs and Grapefruit diet
The protein only diet
The carb only diet
Precision Nutrition
Veggies only diet
Fasting diet
Soups only diet
Calorie counting diet
The workout diet- workout 6 days a week for 1.5 hours a day
The fruit diet
The Mediterranean diet
Liquids only diet
Lean Program
Lean Cuisines only diet
My workouts have gone from extreme to moderate to light.
I’ve worked with personal trainers, had gym memberships, weight trained, prepared for and completed triathlons, 5k’s 10k’s half marathons, group workouts, aerobics, HIIT, Pilates, yoga, cross fit, f45, Orange Theory, running, cycling, biathlons, swimming, hiking, stairs and more.
So, over the decades which food and workout program has worked for me to lose and then maintain a healthy weight?
A little bit of all of it is what works- but let’s narrow it down.
MIND SET: Weight loss is mental. Think healthy and you will choose healthy. You have to decide that you would rather choose foods which support your vitality and wellness over eating foods which make you sick. Foods which live on your shelf for weeks and months, are not nutritious. Some of my favorite monikers that my beloved Mom/Manoula used to say.... “It’s not what you’re eating but what’s eating you.” “We need to eat to live not to live to eat.” “A moment on the lips, forever on the hips.”
FOOD: Eat whole – nutritious foods from the earth that taste good. The preparation of these healthy foods is what pleases the palate. Get creative with your preparation by roasting, baking, sautéing, using an air fryer and eating raw as well.
The Mediterranean Diet - according to the American Heart Association, US News and World Report, World Health Organization, Harvard Health, and The Nutrition Source all report that the whole and nutritious foods from the Mediterranean diet support health, wellness and allow you to safely lose weight.
Foods to incorporate for health: Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, olive oil, dairy products, eggs, fish, poultry in low to moderate amounts. MAYO CLINIC - MED DIET endorses this eating plan for weight loss and health. Make your food taste good, eat it slow, and eat with portion control in mind.
Avoid sugar- foods and drinks high in lots of added sugar tend to be high in calories and low in filing nutrient like protein and fiber.
DRINK WATER- as soon as you become dehydrated, you retain weight and hold fat. 60 percent of our body is water, so if we don’t replenish the water, we need, then our bodies will hold onto extra water to compensate for the lack of incoming water.
FUN FACT: Drinking as little as 17 ounces of water can boost your metabolism up by 30 percent.
SLEEP – the amount of sleep you get each night helps you keep your weight in check. When we do not get the proper amount of sleep, a minimum of 6-7 hours a night, we tend to gain weight because the lack is sleep interrupts our hormone balance and that itself regulates appetite. Also, when we are moody from lack of sleep we grab comfort, fast food that gives fast energy. Keep yourself in homeostasis. What is HOMEOSTASIS INFO?
ACTIVITY- this is my favorite thing to do, be active. There is so much research on how movement is essential for staying healthy and minimizing disease. As an Integrative Nutrition Coach and graduate, I have studied and learned that movement should be enjoyable, frequent and consistent. You don’t have to kill yourself like I did for 20 years. Afterall, you cannot outwork a bad diet. The universal way to move and stay active is Walking. Hippocrates said, “walking is man’s best friend.” Anyone, any age can walk. Set a goal for how many steps you want to get in a day and meet that goal each day. My daily goal is 12,000 step minimum. I track my steps with a simple and inexpensive pedometer. Ι clip on and set off to walk anywhere anytime. Doctors recommend that adults get at least 150 minutes of cardio activity per week. Additionally, it is crucial to keep muscles lean and developed. You can squat, climb stairs, lift light weights and carry your things.
Be accountable by weighing yourself daily or weekly. Create your own support group. Track your food and your movement. Plan your meals for the week. Eat only to 80 percent full. Eat slow. Enjoy your food and drink water throughout the day.
Make one small adjustment every couple of months. Cut one thing out at a time. Use your surroundings as a gym. Do you have stairs in your house or at work? Use them in sets 2 a day. Don’t beat yourself up. Treat yourself to your favorite cheat meal once a week. Keeping your weight in check reduces the chance of getting diseases that obesity perpetuates. AND FINALLY- your body takes you everywhere in life. Treat your temple with respect, travel well, energetically and with health.
Ola Kala,
Filakia and kisses,