Essential Oils & Me!

The year 2016 was a pivotal time in my life. 

This was the year my beloved Manoula (mother) was diagnosed with B Cell double hit lymphoma.  Upon hearing the news, my world was rocked, and my entire essence pierced.  

I had to be proactive in mending, healing and energizing my mind body and soul, while staying positive for my sweet mother.

I immediately began to revisit all the books she had given me.

The content of these books combined with my intense journey to seek that which my mother had been preaching to me for decades…took me on the road to A prescription for Nutritional Healing.

In my pursuit for everything holistic, natural and from the earth, I immersed myself in essential oils.

 What are essential oils?  

  • Essential Oils are the volatile parts of trees and plants – the immune system of these gifts of the earth.   

  • Essential oils are extracted by water or steam distillation, or even cold-pressing.  Pure essential oils are those that are not obtained by chemical processes. 

  • Several factors influence the quality of essential oils, such as; the weather, geographical location, and distillation.  

 One of the Blue Zones, Ikaria, Greece, has plants with the healing essential oils covering a great deal of the land on the island. 

When I visited Ikaria and Milos (another island), rosemary was growing like wild everywhere you walked on these two Greek islands. 

The fragrance of rosemary was stimulating to the mind, promoting a sense of focus.

Rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. One can benefit from by massaging the oil on any affected sore area of the body. 


  • Mix 1 teaspoon of Kefi L!fe L!fe extra virgin olive oil with 5 drops of rosemary oil to create an effective salve. 


Furthermore, essential oils are widely used for aromatic and medicinal purposes.

You will notice that when you open a bottle of essential oil, the aroma quickly fills the room, and it is potent.

These smells are due to chemical properties in the essential oil that allow it to move rapidly in the air. That is why essential oils are ideal for physical and emotional wellness.  

Inhaling the aromas can stimulate the limbic system; it involves our emotions, behaviors, smell, breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and long-term memory. 

Have you ever associated a smell with a memory? This explains why certain smells can trigger memories.  

A great way to inhale or fill a room with the healing benefits of essential oils to add them to water in a diffuser…I have diffusers for sale HERE if you are interested.  


An oil to help with mood and energy comes from the basil plant. 

The Kefi L!fe Team has used Basil essential oil with orange, a citrus to mood boost your day, combined with a carrier; Kefi L!fe EVOO to create OLA KALA!  

Ola Kala means “All is Well,” in Greek and you can be OK or OLA KALA with our easy roller for sale HERE.  

This is a sneak peek at essential oils and their medicinal benefits.  

Most of the Kefi L!fe Body Collection contain essential oils and extra virgin olive oil to provide you the safest, cleanest and most effective way back to healthy and happy! 

Seize each day with vitality, health and Ola Kala when you check out essential oils + Kefi L!fe EVOO.


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