Meal Prep: The 5 P’s

Kefi L!fe followers often ask me, Kiki, how do you stay ola kala –all is well?

My answer; balance my mind body and spirit by feeding each with nutriment. My mind I fill up with healthy thoughts. My body gets plenty of regular movement. My internal organs and my tummy constantly seek and find, first and above all; proteins, healthy fats, and fibrous foods.

The nourishment I provide my mouth, small intestine, cells and circulatory system take a little more planning and preparation than do the mind-body connection.

Therefore, if Hippocrates is correct in saying, “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” then we have to conscientiously choose, prefer and eat/digest food that provides a total body well-being by having the right food accessible.

How do we ensure this healthy eating habit living amidst a hectic pace of life? We prepare!

Regarding preparation, and its value: in an interview for America’s Healthcare Leaders, a medical advisor shared this advice to remember:

Do all things with the five ‘P’s: Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.This maxim or principle was coined by James Baker –Former Secretary of State.

Essentially, the 5P’s will provide a well-structured plan to get anything you need accomplished -done, this includes your weekly meal planning with food.

Truth be told, when I have the correct foods at my fingertips my weight drops, the scale numbers go down, my clothes fit better, my smile gets bigger and my life feels light.

Where to begin?

Gadgets and apparatus you need to meal prep.

  1. Containers. Glass is always recommended. Glass is non –toxic, nonporous and cannot leach chemicals into your food. When you have your food portioned out in the glass container, a bonus is that the container is microwavable, oven and dishwasher proof. Plus, glass containers can be recycled. Glass containers for the fridge or counter top are perfect, but if you are mobile taking the glass containers to work or school, the container is a little bit heavier than a plastic. You can find all size of containers, large, medium and small size and there are ones with and without dividers. If you have a shortage of space to store, then purchase containers with no dividers so that the containers can be stacked.

  2. Wooden cutting board. You need a cutting board, and wooden one will prevent material from shaving off when using your knife. You will cut, chop, slice, dice and organize veggies and various foods on this necessary board. Get your Kefi L!fe Cutting Board here.

  3. Tools. To properly meal prep you will need to measure, weigh, portion, peel and cook. I recommend the following tools for your kitchen:

    • Measuring cups and small, medium and large size glass and stainless mixing bowls

    • Knives for chopping, carving, slicing and cutting

    • Vegetable peelers

    • Air fryer-this is an invaluable small appliance, and easily cooks almost any type of food from a protein to a vegetable to a dessert.

    • A shelf in your fridge dedicated to your prepped food.

    • A notebook to keep your inventory lists-store this with your containers

Finally, and furthermore, when I was studying at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Founder Joshua Rosenthal taught us that there is a holistic, productive and meaningful plan to follow as you prepare your meals:

  • Drink more water

  • Practice cooking

  • Experiment with whole grains

  • Increase sweet vegetables

  • Increase leafy green vegetables

  • Experiment with protein

  • Eat less meat, dairy, sugar and chemicalized, artificial junk foods; consume less coffee, alcohol and tobacco

  • Develop easy and reliable habits to nurture your body.

Friends in Kefi, hope this information will help you on your way to the most satisfying and rewarding meal prep. Use the suggestions that work for you, but please remember nothing is perfect and you will have “off” weeks.

NOTE TO YOU: If you get into the healthy habit of meal prepping, soon it will become second nature and you can watch your entire wellness outlook changing, evolving and glowing with efficiency and vibrance.

Happy Meal Prepping and be sure to drop me a line and let me know how it is going for you.

Ola kala, All is well

Kisses to you! Filakia

Xo Kiki

This blog layouts the methods to meal prep. If you need help with which foods to prep, visit my podcast Kefi l!fe on Apple or Spotify and listen to episode 168 Grocery Shopping for the Week here!


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