Essential Oils: Nature’s Gift to Us

Pain has a way of leading a person to consider new ways of thinking about life and health.  

Discomfort is uncomfortable.   

Both conditions pain and discomfort, generally lead one to seek or take action towards relief, and this fact of life is true for most people. 

I personally can attest to this, for any time I have experienced pain and discomfort, my mind immediately switches into high gear to find a solution for my situation.  Such is the case in 2014 when I began my search to alleviate my nagging and painful symptoms in my lower back because they were disrupting my sleep and my driving.    

Upon my perseverance to get back to healthy self, I discovered essentials oils and acupressure.  Both applications, among others, were introduced to me by a nurse/naturopath. 

The initial trial of essential oils reduced my localized aching in the lower back.   

The desire to learn more kicked in, and I have been researching essential oils for the past decade. 

Essential oils are not drugs or miracles. 

Essential oils are science.  

According to the book MODERN ESSENTIALS, essential oils are the volatile liquids that are distilled from plants (including their respective parts such as seeds, bark, leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and fruit.)  

One of the factors that determine the purity and therapeutic value of an oil is its chemical constituents.   No. Matter how costly pure, therapeutic grade essential oils are, they cannot be recreated or made in a lab.   

Essentially, essential oils embody the regenerating protective and immune-strengthening properties of plants.  Nature is medicine. 

There are 3 ways to benefit from essential oils: 

  1. Topically - apply the essential oil to your pulse points.  Behind ears, back of neck, wrists and bottom of feet. 

  2. Aromatically - add essential oil to water in a diffuser and allow the aroma to circulate in the air 

  3. Ingesting - drop oil in water and drink or drop on tongue. Only certain oils can be ingested and you must research which oils are safe for internal use.   

Essential oils can be used for fatigue, mental focus, inflammation reduction, heart health, energy boosting, stress and so much more. 

The Kefi L!fe team and I have created a few products which relieve pain, energize self, calm nerves, sleep better, enhance skin health and soften cuticles.  Each product begins with Kefi L!fe extra virgin olive oil as the carrier and then the specific product is further developed with the corresponding essential oils to either relieve, improve, or enhance part of your face and body.  Please visit Kefi L!fe Shop for information on ingredients, purpose and more.   

For more info on the science behind essential oils, check out our previous blog here!

 In the meantime, as a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, I remind you to always consult with your doctor before engaging in any naturopath practices.  Do your homework and discover the beauty of nature and its healing properties.   

‘Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.’ – Albert Einstein 

Take care of yourself by putting healthy and natural products into your body because you only have one to live in, so give it the best!  

Ola Kala, All is Well, 

Filakia- Kisses 



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