Night Time Routine: Tune Out & Tuck In

When you were a child did your mom or dad read you a bedtime story?  

I have fond memories of my bedtime routine.  My father, who for years worked 2 jobs, before leaving for his second shift, would tell my 3 siblings and me a few little stories and sing this one particular song as an expression of love before he tucked us in to bed.  

To this day, Φεγγαράκι μου λαμπρό, My little shining moon, remains my beloved memory of my father singing this song to us, and I will forever associate it with bedtime.  

When my four children were young, my husband, who was not born in Greece and did not know the language, wouldn't sing to our kids in Greek, but he would read to them nightly.  Harry Potter and Star Wars stories captured their attention and soon they were relaxed and droopy eyed.   

As an adult to this day, reading and soothing songs have made their way into my night time routine.  

These activities signal my mind and body’s time to unwind, tune out and tuck in.    

During my course work at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition we the students learned that sleep is more important than food to survive.    

Deprivation of sleep causes a plethora of health issues like obesity, diabetes, heart disease stroke, dementia and cancer, not to mention moodiness.   

Folks, it’s time to reclaim your nighttime routine and get in the habit of happy, restful and sound zzzz’s.  

Habits at you have any?  

Here are some effective night time habits to prepare you for a good night’s sleep: 

  • Last caffeinated drink before 2:00 each day- late day caffeine will disrupt the release of melatonin which allows you to drift off and sleep.   

  • Last meal 3 hours before bed each day to avoid digestion and bloating issues interfering with sleep. 

  • Avoid excess water an hour before bed to avoid getting up to pee 

  • Limit alcohol before bed- will disrupt the release of melatonin 

  • Room you are sleeping in should be cool and dark- heat and light will disrupt the release of melatonin  

  • Technology and screens off 1 hour prior to sleep as to avoid excitement and stimulation before silencing your mind.  

  • Keep journal next to bed to write down any things clouding your mind – and write down 3 most important things that need to be done upon waking the next day.  Troubling thoughts out of your mind and on to paper for the next day. 

  • Stretch and pray/mediate/read positive script before retiring for evening- end on a positive note.  

  • Optional: apply lavender /frankincense essential oil to bottom of feet and behind neck. (Act as sedative)  

  • The Kefi L!fe team has created a beautiful cream called Sleepy Time for the bottoms of feet.  Rub/ massage on feet and put on socks to allow the Sleepy time to absorb into bloodstream.  Get your jar at Kefi L!fe Sleepy Cream 

  • Close eyes and drift off into sweet dreams.    

My sweet dream for you is for you to nourish your whole person, live a life of purpose and stay well.    

It all begins with the most important nutrient – Sleep.   

Start implementing positive and helpful nighttime habits to your evening and watch your eyes drift off into rest and rejuvenate mode.   

As always- Ola Kala All is well 

Filakia- Kisses,  


PS check out my helpful Kefi L!fe Episode 152 with Best Selling author Barbara Badolati. Barbara offers more blissful sleep tips. 


The Simple Life


Essential Oils: Nature’s Gift to Us